How Do You Handle PMS?

You experience the changes of the menstrual cycle in your own unique way. There are four distinct types, each symbolized by a beautiful flower. Which one are you?

Discover Your Flower and Get Advice.

It Takes Less Than 2 Minutes :)

Little Bit About You

How is Your Mood?

How does your cycle affect your mood?
Do you feel anxious, sad or low energy around your period?
Does your confidence or motivation change?

How Does Your Body Feel?

How often do you get cramps, bloating, or feel tired?
Do you get strong cravings during your cycle?

How is Your Sleep?

Do you have trouble falling asleep or you feel overly tired?

How is Your Day Affected?

Does your cycle affect your work, school, or social life?

How Do You Care for Yourself?

Do you use rest, exercise, or medication to handle your symptoms?
Have you ever sought professional help?

How is Your Relationship Affected?

Do you notice more conflicts or irritability around your period?
Should your partner be informed about your hormonal changes?
Would you like more support from your partner?
How would you prefer your partner to support you?